Dipping a toe in


Hi there!


I have just joined the BookLikes community and I'm looking forward to connecting with fellow booklovers, especially fellow crime-fiction addicts!


I've been hooked on crime fiction in books and on screen since about the age of six, thanks to some awesome mystery and adventure writers. It was about then that I decided I wanted to be a crime writer. It took a while...


Being a crime-fiction addict and lover of series books, you can expect lots of my reading to fall into these categories. You can also expect to only hear about the books I have enjoyed as reading enjoyment is subjective – but as I have honed my selections to my tastes over the years, I am rarely disappointed anyway. I rate books as I go and post my standouts in a “Good Reads” column each month on my website, including just a little blurb about each.


As for reviews of my books, I appreciate readers reading my works and sharing what you think. So, thank you.


I'd also love you to connect with me at my website, Instagram, Facebook or Amazon.


Happy reading!
